
Two noteworthy arts performances in March

My Home is not a Shell

As part of the True Colours Festival-the Asia Pacific Celebration of Artistes with Disabilities, produced by local charity Very Special Arts Singapore (VSA) and taking place in Singapore from March 22-25, the Singapore International Foundation has brought together two disability theatre groups – VSA’s theatre arm Very Special Theatrix (VST) and Australia’s No Strings Attached Theatre of Disability (NSA) to bring you a showcase entitled My Home is not a Shell.

It is a creative showcase presenting NSA and VST’s work-in-progress from collaborative training workshops held earlier this year. The showcase features actors from the VST performing company and it is directed by Alirio Zavarce, Artistic Director of NSA, in collaboration with R Chandran, Founder-Director of VST.

Synopsis: A crab has lost his shell. He has lost his home. How does he rebuild his home? In parallel, as Singapore constantly builds and rebuilds itself, how does one define ‘home’?

For more details, go to:

Double bill

No Strings Attached Theatre of Disability (Australia) + Very Special Theatrics (Singapore)
World Premiere + International Collaboration

I Forgot to Remember to Forget + My Home is not a Shell
Date: Saturday and Sunday, 24 and 25 March, 2018
Time: 3pm-5pm
Venue: SportsSG auditorium
6 Stadium Walk, Singapore 397698
*Free admission
*Free seating which is wheelchair accessible
*Sign interpretation will be provided during the performance
Free admission, but reserve your tickets before they run out!

NSA’s World Premiere I Forgot to Remember to Forget

NSA’s world premiere of I Forgot to Remember to Forget, an experimental theatre piece that investigates memory, is supported by Singapore International Foundation (SIF).

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