
Astrology: Your week ahead

From Oct 7 to Oct 13, 2018

By Bonnan


Clear all outstanding issues with an open approach. Be patient, understanding and willing to work along with others. A business partnership must be handled carefully. Got out and socialise, new friends will benefit you. Make changes to your wardrobe.


Finish all your personal and business work within time. Discuss strategies with your partners. You will have the confidence to take on new responsibilities.  Do not get angry if things do not go your way. Spend time with someone you love.


Do not hold anything back, resolve all issues with frank discussions. Someone from your past will return to your life. Work with speed to accomplish your goals. You will be able to score over your rivals. Do not get emotionally involved with your partner.


You will get the push needed to finish an urgent matter. Try and finish all your outstanding work. Express your feelings openly. Do not give in to pressure tactics. You will go on a romantic trip. Fun activities will boost your love life.


Take time to help others out. Spend time at home to clean up. Don’t get upset if things do not go your way at work. Listen to the tips your guru gives you. Analyses people and then act accordingly. Contribute time and effort to community service.


Think how you can earn more money. Try to educate yourself about new technology. A friend will give you valuable suggestions. A debt will be returned along with a gift. Do not drink or party excessively. Do not get into arguments with your superiors.


Do not let difficult situations affect you. Act decisively to settle any dispute. Do not succumb to temptations without analysing the outcomes. Indulge in spiritual practices and take part in daily sporting activities. Be wary of pretenders.


Money issues may bother you. Invest wisely. Think carefully before signing a contract. Don’t get into arguments. Your health could get affected. Do not get into any secret pacts, especially with people who you do not know well.


Make all efforts to finish your tasks. Do not ask others to help you out. Superiors and VIPs will be impressed by your work. Do not be put off by budget constraints. Keep your life simple and this will help you overcome stress. Do not let others use you.


You will upgrade your house and get new furniture. Follow your heart when it comes to romance. Try to do things you want them done. A partnership will offer an unexpected benefit. Sort out your finances with the help of an accountant.


Do not carry work home. Invest in a new house or property that you have been eyeing for a while. Go out and party with your friends. Do not get provoked and act with purpose in public. Tie the knot with a person who will give you stability.


A friend may approach you with an ulterior motive. Receive praise with a smile. Spend time with your children. Go out on a date. Look into the bottom of matters. Try to spend time doing yoga and spend time on spiritual matters.

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